MPE Filters Safeguard Longrange Air Defence Radar System
Custom powerline filters from MPE protect the Ground Master 400 (GM400) 3D longrange air defence radar.
Custom powerline filters from MPE protect the Ground Master 400 (GM400) 3D longrange air defence radar.
MPE has devloped and delivered a custom filter as part of the TeroLight intelligent lighting solution from TerOpta. The result of this development sees a custom filter, very different to those typically manufactured by MPE for its defence customers.
For over 20 years MPE has been a trusted supplier to Moog of high-performance, high-reliability, feedthrough capacitors, delivering over 25 different designs. These MPE filters are proving vital for preventing the electrical interference naturally produced by Moog’s latest ruggedised, brushless motor controllers – which need to comply with EMC standard MIL-STD-461E
MPE powerline and control line filters have been incorporated in numerous applications on the new and futuristic Visby Class of stealth ships. Built at the Saab Group’s Kockums shipyard at Karlskrona the stealth ship is equipped for multiple combat roles, including anti-surface warfare, anti-submarine warfare, mine countermeasures and patrol duties.
MPE provides protection solutions for Marshall Land Systems.
MPE supplies 20 filter designs to Barton Engineering for over 15 years
MPE supply products for the SPARK mine clearing solution.