MPE Limited
Hammond Road
Knowsley Industrial Park Liverpool
L33 7UL
T: +44 (0)151 632 9100



Safeguarding Against The Threat Of IEMI

MPE reports within Connecting Industry, how with electronics being such a part of everyday modern life, Intentional ElectroMagnetic Interference (IEMI) is becoming a threat of real concern for defence and security, in both the public and private sectors.

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Preserving Information Security

The October edition of Electrical Engineering magazine focussed on data centre management and it’s feature article detailed how MPE’s filters were protecting such installations and preserving information security within them.

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The IEMI Threat and a Practical Response

Interference Technology (ITEM) once again features Will Turner’s paper, detailing how the increasing use of electronics to control so many aspects of modern life, from smart grids to driverless cars, means that Intentional Electromagnetic Interference (IEMI) is an ever growing threat.

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ITEM Feature Article

Interference Technology (ITEM) once again features Will Turner’s paper, detailing how the increasing use of electronics to control so many aspects of modern life, from smart grids to driverless cars, means that Intentional Electromagnetic Interference (IEMI) is an ever growing threat.

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